- Taking advantage of the eustress. The most effective people are not those who live without stress, but those who are able to obtain benefits from that extra dose of energy that eustress (positive stress) offers us. These people reach an optimal level of anxiety and take advantage of it before it becomes negative. This feeling gives them the boost they need and helps them decide.
- By playing down. What is the worst possible outcome? Imagine the darkest scenario. What are the odds of this happening? How many things have to go wrong for this to happen? In fact, our mind has a tendency to imagine catastrophic situations. AND
normal. But objectively, the odds of the worst possible scenario occurring are much lower than you might think, because you always have the option to change course. Furthermore, it has been shown that worst-case scenarios often don't make us feel as bad as we think.
- Learning more about you. Many times, fear has a message to convey to us. The most successful people do not hide their fears and do not try to ignore them, but listen to them. Why are you afraid of failure? What hidden experiences and emotions are behind this fear? Are these mere exaggerations or are they warnings that should be paid attention to? When you listen to your fears and win, you become a safer and stronger person, someone who has managed to integrate their life experiences and who is in balance with their past. Therefore, it will be possible to look to the future with confidence.