Phrases about the Complicity of Couples

Phrases about the Complicity of Couples

A collection of phrases and aphorisms about the complicity of a couple, a condition at the base of every love relationship.

It is not a healthy and lasting love if, in addition to attraction, there is no trust, complicity and mutual respect. That is why we have decided to collect all the most beautiful phrases and significant aphorisms about the complicity of a couple. Let's celebrate it together, hoping that we can all live it if not today, then someday in the future. Enjoy the reading!

The most beautiful quotes about the complicity of a couple

As always, you can find all the images of these phrases on our pinterest board!

Sentences on the Complicity of Couples: from 1 to 20

There are those who understand you without you saying a word, and who would not understand you even if you explained it to them in a thousand words. This is complicity.

They seemed to have an invisible bubble around them that no one could enter unless they wanted to. ~ Nicholas Ammaniti

Complicity is a two-way language whose meaning the rest of the world ignores...

When complicity melts fears, the heart grabs everything. ~ fabrizio caramagna

Nothing, nothing is like complicity. Sharing a place in each other's minds is one of the most intimate and private things I know.

Our eyes were fixed on the sky, and it seemed to me that our souls spoke to each other through the skin of our hands and embraced in our gazes that met in the stars. ~ Giovanni Verga

When there is complicity, nothing is needed. Neither gestures nor words. Anything. Only two people who breathe even at a distance. And it is electricity.

It was sweet and beautiful to know that there were secrets between them that weaved a thin and light life over the other life, the real one. ~ Clarice Lispector

The desire to talk for hours, with his heart hanging on every word. No want, you must. Anything. Only the pleasure of being an accomplice. ~ fabrizio caramagna

Without sexual complicity, a love relationship cannot be born, grow. Platonic love is a lie.

Complicity is the perfect glue between mind and body.

Complicity is sharing the same smile without seeing each other and the same thought without speaking to each other.

There was no need for looks, words, gestures, contacts: just pure being together. ~ Goethe

There is no doubt about complicity, it is a kind of silent language, a meeting of unspoken thoughts and gestures, it is a real luxury and who knows, perhaps by nature, granted to a select few. ~ Anna RijtanoMalus

Now hold on to my arm, hold on tight. We will visit dark places, but I think I know the way. Just be careful not to let go of my arm. And if I kissed you in the dark, it wouldn't be anything serious: it's just because you're my love. ~ Stephen King

Because complicity precedes affection for me. before sex. I think it's the real chemistry. If she asks, the Remnant collapses.

Complicity is the best thing about foreplay.

Complicity is the emotion of reading each other's gazes.

In a woman's silence is everything she will never tell anyone. That is why intuition is the highest form of complicity.

The deep affinity we feel with each other is the realization that the other completes us and we complete him.

Aphorisms about complicity in a couple: from 21 to 40

The affinity of two souls leads to the absolute complicity of two completely separate bodies.

We are pure harmony. Complicity of thinking voices.

Being an accomplice is the highest level of intimacy

Complicity. Nothing to say, so much to give.

Love has three big c's in common: trust, complicity, bullshit.

Friendship unites, complicity unites. ~ roberto gervaso

A smile is happiness, two smiles are complicity. ~ simone nardone

Complicity is a monologue in two.

It was the emotion of hearing her voice, of a caress, of touching her hands, of looking into each other's eyes and understanding each other without speaking. It was to hold you close to give, it was to know that the other was there, to give oneself, to laugh complicitly, to discover oneself, and then to love each other more and more consciously. ~ Romano Battaglia

When I love you and you love me, we are each like the mirror of the other, and reflecting ourselves in the mirror of the other, we see infinity. ~ Leo Buscaglia

The complicity in a couple is conquered over the years, when a look is enough to send them to hell.

Complicity, wonderful for those who are involved and hateful for those who feel excluded.

Sharing a fantasy is the greatest complicity.

With attraction you have sex, with complicity you make love.

A thought touches you, complicity runs through you.

Stolen kisses require an accomplice.

If there was one thing David and I knew how to do, it was hug each other. We did it naturally, transportation, complicity. Our way of hugging each other was unique. Many times we fell asleep holding each other, and it's not easy to do it if you don't know how to hug yourself, if you don't do it with intimacy. ~ Lorenzo Licalzi

Some silences are synonymous with absence, others are rich in complicity. ~ Marc Levy

It's easy to smile at each other, but the real complicity is being able to do it even from a distance. ~ CannovaV, Twitter

Two puzzle pieces. Made for each other. Somewhere in the sky, an old Lord, in that instant, had finally found them. ~ Alessandro Baricco

Appointments about partner complicity: 41 to 60

Amid the noises of the crowd are the two of us, happy to be together, talking quietly, maybe not a word. ~ Walt Whitman

Our eyes were fixed on the sky, and it seemed to me that our souls spoke to each other through the skin of our hands and embraced in our gazes that met in the stars. ~ Giovanni Verga

Loving is not looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction. ~ by Saint-Exupéry

They first met. He knew her and himself, because they had never really met. And she knew him and herself, because even though they had always known each other, she had never been able to recognize each other like that. ~ Italo Calvino

Two who laugh maybe like, two who always laugh maybe they want each other, two distant people who laugh thinking they love each other. ~ Domenico Adonini

Love is about being idiots together. ~ balde valery

We seemed made to be framed, as if nothing, before us, had ever really matched. ~ lea stewart

The most important things in our life are by no means extraordinary or great. These are the moments when we feel touched by each other. ~ Jack kornfield

There was no need for looks, words, gestures, contacts: just pure being together. ~ Goethe

Sometimes the look can become flesh, uniting two people more than a hug. ~ dacia maraini

Why do we share so many secrets in bed? Because never, as in bed, one feels complicit. ~ roberto gervaso

When you don't fall into the trap of comfort, another type of relationship is established, based on complicity. It is a longer and much stronger relationship. ~ Claudia Cardinale

The perfect couple... Stripped of their intimate thoughts... And dressed in desires... Through complicity...

We were not a couple and we were not lovers. We were more, we were accomplices and we knew we could be anything.

It is up to us to seek our happiness, within us and in what surrounds us. It means being complete, honest and in balance with ourselves. Then love will not be addictive, it will not be a necessity, but a wonderful complicity.

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