Every day science advances more and more in
understanding of diseases and discovers a psychological component where it was thought
that there was only a somatic problem. Although today we know that all
diseases have a psychological component, there are some pathologies that are
particularly sensitive to stress and negative moods; L'alopecia is one of them. In this case the person begins to lose their hair
generally after experiencing a very tense situation or due to long periods
periods of stress. Hair loss can manifest itself in a way
sudden, diffuse, or plaque. Although seeing their own external image
affected can cause greater stress in people, it must be emphasized that
most cases of alopecia from
stress it corrects itself with the passage of time (three or six months) and avoiding the
situations that can cause tension. Among the most common cases of hair loss for
stress lies thealopecia areata, especially in young people, when
are found in the age of school exams (in fact it is known that 60% of
people with this problem highlight it roughly
around 20 years old). Alopecia areata can be identified thanks to the way
peculiar in which hair loss occurs: in shaped areas
circular of different sizes. Alopecia areata is considered to be a disease
benign dermatological and not only refers to hair loss but can
also affect hair on other parts of the body. It is estimated that it can affect him
0,1% of the world population. Up to now it has not been possible
identify the causes of alopecia areata with complete clarity. Exist
different theories that focus on a set of factors: - Inheritance: one in five people has a family member
who suffered from alopecia areata. - Deficiency of the immune system: following a
attack of antibodies which causes an abnormal immune reaction, which in his own
once transiently damages the follicles of the
hair / hair. - Psychological factors: stress, anxiety and
persistent tension can act as triggers. Regarding the treatment of alopecia
aired, the good news is that normally half of people recover i
hair in the first few months since it is a type of baldness that you
self-corrects by itself (always when the causes are psychological and
these are disappearing). Obviously, if the person doesn't count with all
psychological tools to deal with this situation and continues manifesting
maladaptive behaviors, should seek help from a specialist.
However, there are those who prefer to opt for steroids, or ultraviolet light
the application of topical corticosteroids.