Celery, an ally for health

Celery, an ally for health

Celery is a vegetable, but also an aromatic herb. Grants a excellent aroma to many dishes and goes well with a thousand recipes.

Often underestimated, boasts excellent health qualities, especially for the benefit of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal system.


The many qualities of celery

Celery, thanks to its many properties, is an excellent food for health.

> It is made up of about 90% water and is diuretic and purifying.

> Contains lutein, an antioxidant especially useful for brain health, it seems, in fact, that this substance protects it from inflammatory states.

> It is rather rich in minerals. It mainly contains magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

> Contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and, to a lesser extent, B vitamins and vitamin E.

> It has very few calories: 100 grams of celery contain less than 20 calories. Consequently, it is a great way to flavor your dishes without weighing down the calorie content.

> Promotes the reduction in blood pressure.

> Helps to keep in the norm blood levels of LDL cholesterol, thanks not only to the richness of fibers but also to the presence of terpenes.

> Promotes stomach and intestinal health.

Read also Celery essential oil, its properties >>


Celery and blood pressure

Celery contains apigenin, a vasodilator substance which, therefore, helps to counteract hypertension.

It also contains 3-n-butylphtalide (3NB), a substance that promotes the reduction of blood pressure and helps to relax smooth muscle and blood vessel line.

Finally, it has ftalidi, a group of substances useful for the control of hormones that regulate blood pressure.

In addition, quality no less important for health, celery allows you to add flavor to dishes without adding a lot of salt.

Its content of sodiumin fact, it gives it a certain flavor that makes it a "smart" ingredient when you have to follow a diet with little added salt, as in the case of those suffering from arterial hypertension.

Finally, yours too diuretic qualities, cited above, help make it valuable in the fight against high blood pressure.


Celery and gastrointestinal health

The celery it is an alkaline food e aiuta a proteggere la mucosa gastrica. Grazie a queste sue qualità, è utile nella prevenzione e nell bruciori di stomaco, gastriti, ulcere e ernia iatale.

Celery leaves have carminative properties and, therefore, help digestion and promote the expulsion of intestinal gas.

Celery seeds have a similar effect to fennel seeds, that is, they have digestive qualities and are useful in the prevention and treatment of meteorism.

They can be used to prepare infusions, just like fennel seeds.


Contraindications of celery

As with any food, you shouldn't overdo it. The virtues of a product are manifested when consumption is adequate, excesses can be counterproductive.

For people with allergies and / or hives it is advisable to consult your doctor regarding the consumption of celery.

For example, in some pollen allergies you can have a reaction even after eating celery.


Read also

> 3 aphrodisiac recipes with celery
> 3 recipes with celery from Verona



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