Control anxiety and stress to achieve emotional well-being

Control anxiety and stress to achieve emotional well-being

To overcome anxiety and stress, you need to sign a contract with yourself, understand your emotions, listen to yourself and strengthen self-esteem to achieve emotional well-being and personal fulfillment.

Control anxiety and stress to achieve emotional well-being

Written and verified by the psychologist GetPersonalGrowth.

Last update: 15 November 2021

To control anxiety and stress we need to understand that we cannot always shy away from these emotions often devastating, but we can handle them. Finding calm, oxygen and freedom are the first steps to start a real personal revolution and achieve emotional well-being.

Horace Walpole, a famous XNUMXth century British writer and architect, used to say that the world is always a tragedy to those who hear, but it is a comedy to those who think. Happiness, or rather that inner harmony that comes with satisfaction, is obtained by understanding the states that so often lead us to the limit.

Sometimes it happens to wake up at four in the morning out of breath and with a heart beating wildly. The brain keeps us awake to remind us of everything that awaits us the next day. Worries assail us and deprive us of precious hours of rest and that much-needed emotional well-being.

In today's society, anxiety and stress are on the rise. The study conducted at the Gottingen University Medical Center in Germany shows us that around 34% of the population suffers from an anxiety disorder.

According to data from the WHO (World Health Organization), the consumption of psychotropic drugs to treat these conditions are increasing exponentially. It is time to adopt new strategies and take a different approach.

How to control anxiety and stress to achieve emotional well-being

Many of us reach adulthood in the limbo of emotional bewilderment. Almost without knowing it, we have adopted coping strategies that are as inadequate as they are harmful.

We have a tendency to oppose change, as well as to deny so-called negative emotions. We don't know what to do with our fears, with sadness, with that hectic life in which we stop listening to our feelings.

"If you rely solely on drugs to treat anxiety, you will never teach your mind to train your emotions."

-Daniel Goleman-

To control anxiety and stress, it is necessary to embark on a journey of acceptance to get the mental clarity needed to understand what lies behind it and how to manage it. This will promote adequate self-knowledge. Here are some strategies for achieving emotional well-being.

Let anxiety and stress work for us and not against us

Sigmund Freud states that the first time we come into contact with anxiety is at birth. Few events are less traumatic as well as beautiful and essential to life.

It is necessary to understand as soon as possible that every sensation and every emotion is necessary and also useful to fulfill ourselves, go ahead and create the reality we want.

To overcome anxiety and stress, you need to get them both to work for us. Giving them the right intensity gives us enough energy and motivation to reach goals and surpass ourselves. Conversely, allowing them to take full control of our lives will make us feel stuck and helpless.

Accepting emotions, even negative ones, strengthens self-esteem

Paula Díaz, emotional coach, explains that anxiety has no other purpose than to allow us to know ourselves as people. He invites us to stop to understand what is happening inside us, to find out what we need, what changes we should make to achieve emotional well-being.

Anxiety is also an indicator that we don't love each other the way we deserve. Therefore, one strategy for achieving that necessary emotional healing is to strengthen our self-esteem. Training and participation will allow us to explore those complex emotions that help us treat ourselves as we deserve: with love, respect and attention.

accept every emotion, every feeling, even if we don't like them

It's not about when, but how: experiencing anxiety healthily

To overcome anxiety and stress, one must be aware of another fact. There are many people who experience great distress just by leaving the house. They know that at any moment they can feel anxious: when they are in an elevator with many people, when they have to speak in public, when they have to complete a difficult task.

In fear of when, we forget how. Because that is where the solution to manage these realities lies, in how to do it to have anxiety and stress in our favor and not against us. To do this, we can follow a simple strategy.

How to control anxiety on a day-to-day basis

  • Feel your body, listen to how he reacts to each situation. The first indicator is him: our body.
  • Take a deep breath, breathe deeply: it is time to take care of our internal dialogue, to pay attention to our thoughts, to stay in control.
  • Calm down, rationalize, strengthen self-confidence and self-love. Don't get overwhelmed by negative thoughts and catastrophic ideas.
  • Sensing when anxiety wants to take control of our body and mind. Then choose to direct your thoughts to a safe place, where we repeat to ourselves that there are no risks. Now visualize himself as a competent person, as someone who accepts his anxiety because he understands it, because he has learned to bring it in his favor to exalt virtues, resources and abilities.

To control anxiety and stress, we need time and perseverance. We have to sign a contract with ourselves in which we promise to take care of ourselves and prioritize ourselves as we deserve. This is the secret to achieving emotional well-being.

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