On average each of us consumes more than 25 kg of sugar per year. A nice amount, especially considering that just one gram provides almost 4 calories. However, it is necessary to be precise: what we commonly call this is the sucrose, which we add to drinks or use for the preparation of delicious desserts.
But they also exist "hidden" sugars such as fructose in fruit or lactose in milk. Major sources of readily available energy, according to WHO, should not collectively provide more than 10% of daily calories, because excessive consumption has been linked to several "diseases of well-being":obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems in the front row.
Translated into grams, it means not to exceed About 40 g per day (also including those present in milk and fruit): a small amount that justifies the search for alternative. But is it really a good choice? The answer seems to be no, at least according to a recent one search of the University of Sydney, published on Cell metabolism.
In the study it was shown how the intake of artificial products (in particular the effect of sucralose, which sweetens 600 times more than sugar with 0 calories) you send to the brain "misleading" and harmful signals. Not matching the sweet taste a real energy supply, the sense of hunger increases, directing towards the consumption of very caloric foods. Hence, not only do they not help weight loss, but they also favor a possible increase.