Diet to Lose 10Kg

Diet to Lose 10Kg


The problem of "extra pounds" is an unease that afflicts a large section of the population. However, sometimes there is a tendency to confuse the “aesthetic” fat excess with the real one, which is harmful to health. Often, therefore, the desire to lose 10 kg responds only to a mere aesthetic need, both for women and for men. On the other hand, in other circumstances, weight loss is instead essential to guarantee the state of health, especially in the case of obesity and metabolic pathologies; Scientific studies show that, in the case of overweight associated with metabolic diseases, a weight loss corresponding to 10% of the weight can significantly improve high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, high triglycerides, excess uric acid and hyperglycemia.

Evaluate Your Weight

10 kg too much: how to evaluate them?

Body mass index (BMI) or BMI

To evaluate if it is really necessary to lose 10 kg, or to establish if your weight is really excessive, you need to evaluate the so-called body mass index (BMI); alternatively, it is possible to rely on instrumental analyzes such as bioimpedance (BIA), which however often require expensive tools and an operator able to use them correctly.
BMI (BMI in English) is a method of estimating body composition, which takes into account two simple variables: height and weight. The BMI defines whether an adult human being (NOT an athlete) falls into one of the following categories: underweight, normal weight, overweight (non-pathological), obesity (pathological).

The formula for calculating the BMI is as follows: weight in kilograms divided by height, measured in meters, squared BMI = [Ps kg / St m2] (the online calculator in this article can also be used).

The result, that is the coefficient, is to be included in a specific evaluation ranking.

Table 1 - Body Mass Index Assessment (BMI or BMI)
Evaluation Coefficient
Underweight Up to 18,4
Standard weight 18,5 - 24,9
Overweight 25,0 - 30,0
Obesity Since 30,1

Body constitution

As anticipated, the calculation of the BMI is a useful system in the "rough" evaluation of the state of nutrition. More specifically, it is a "spannometric" measure as it does not take into account parameters such as body proportions, the skeleton, the extent of muscle mass (which is why it is never applicable to athletes, especially those who practice sports force) etc. To compensate at least in part for these gaps, a further means of subdivision has been devised which exploits the discriminants of the body's constitution and morphology.
The body constitution evaluates the size of the skeleton measuring the circumference of the wrist NOT dominant (in centimeters, measured at the narrowest point) and contextualizing the result in a specific ranking.

Table 2 - Assessment of body constitution based on the circumference of the wrist
Woman Constitution Man
> 15cm Esile > 1cm
15-16cm Normal 17-18cm
> 16cm Robust > 18cm

Body morphology

Body morphology, on the other hand, gives due importance to the relationship between height and wrist circumference in centimeters:

MRF CRP = [Satura in cm / Crf. polso in cm].

Also in this case, the measure must be included in a specific judgment scale.

Table 3- Assessment of body morphology
Woman Constitution Man
> 9,9 Esile > 9,6
9,9-10,9 Normal 9,6-10,4
> 10,9 Robust > 10,4

Physiological Desirable Body Mass Index (BMI FD)

Finally, to determine with greater specificity, in numerical terms, the NORMALITY of one's own weight, we can combine all three of these means of evaluation by comparing them in a single table of the desirable physiological body mass index (BMI FD):

Table 4 - Physiological BMI desirable in respect of body constitution and body morphology
Highlight Longilineo Highlight Normolineo Highlight Brevilineo Normal Longilineo Normal Normal
18,5 19,3 20,1 20,9 21,7
Normal Brevilineo Robust Long-limbed Robust Normolineo Robust Brevilineo  
22,5 23,3 24,1 24,9  


So, summing it all up in a few steps, we could define the following points:

  1. Using a well-calibrated scale, measure the weight (in kg, not in lb) in the morning, on an empty stomach, after having fulfilled the physiological needs in the toilet
  2. Using a statimeter, getting help and respecting the guidelines (read How to Measure Height), measure your height (in cm)
  3. Using a metric tape, or a simple dressmaker's tape, measure the circumference of the NOT dominant wrist at the narrowest point (in cm)
  4. Establish, with the formula BMI = [Ps kg / St m2], the BMI and evaluate it with the appropriate table 1 above. If the BMI goes beyond the lower limit of overweight there is a very good chance that these 10 kg is "really" too much
  5. If it is included in the normal range, proceed by establishing, with respect to tables 2 and 3 above, the body constitution and body morphology [Height in cm / Crf. pulse in cm]
  6. Enter the value in table 4; if the BMI, although normal, is higher than the physiological desirable one, there is a good chance that these 10 kg are, even if only partially, too much.

Kg too much: more or less than 10?

In case of body mass index higher than desirable it is also possible to perform an INVERSE calculation to establish the actual amount of excess kg. With the values ​​obtained above we will therefore have to perform two mathematical operations; one to establish the desirable physiological weight (P FD) and the other to determine the difference between the latter and the real weight (P R.). Therefore:

  1. P F.D = [BMI F.D. *  St m2]
  2. Kg too much = [P R. - P FD].

How to lose weight

Assumptions of weight loss

Once we have ascertained that there is really a weight excess of 10 kg, to safeguard our state of health and prevent the worsening of this excess, we will have to plan a weight loss procedure.
In order to lose weight, it is known that the body must:

  • Stops the action of fatty deposits
  • Affect the reserves of fat for energy purposes.

Both of these effects are obtained through three fundamental measures:

  1. Taking in less energy than you consume
  2. Introduce the right percentages of energy nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins)
  3. Place the body in an adequate metabolic-hormonal condition, in which insulin levels must be kept as low and constant as possible.

Practical measures

Generally, to lose 10 kg you can choose two ways:

  1. Fast but demanding: it consists in following a fairly extreme nutritional scheme, devoid of any dietary pleasure, which allows you to eliminate excess adipose in the shortest possible time. It is very debilitating, often based on particular methods such as the ketogenic diet, and does not lend itself to application in athletes. It very often results in the yo-yo effect, promoting the recovery of lost pounds plus interest. This is not recommended.
  2. Slow and progressive: it consists in following a balanced diet, preferably accompanied by motor activity, characterized by a caloric depletion of no more than 30% of the total energy. 10 kg can be disposed of in 10-20 weeks without compromising sporting efficiency and lifestyle. It is not debilitating and promotes nutrition education. It is the most advisable system.

System to Lose 10kg

Nutritional assumptions

How to lose 10 kg correctly? Obviously choosing the method of a balanced diet (point 2 of the previous paragraph). This system requires you to adjust your nutritional regimen to the following nutritional requirements.

  1. Low-calorie energy intake: corresponds to about 70% of the total norm-calorie energy, i.e. the one that allows you to remain stable with weight
  2. Balanced breakdown of energy macronutrients:
    • lipids 25-30% (ratio of saturated / unsaturated fatty acids 1/4),
    • proteins about 0,8-1,5 g / kg of physiological weight, of which at least 1/3 of high biological value (depending on the bibliographic source),
    • carbohydrates for the remaining energy, with a maximum of 10-16% from simple sugars.
  3. Adequate intake of minerals, vitamins, fiber (about 30 g / day) and cholesterol (<300 mg / day): respecting the recommended rations, specific for age, sex and physiological or paraphysiological or pathological conditions.

Food composition of the diet

Wanting to avoid relying on a dietician, it is necessary to understand how to intervene on a "practical level" in one's diet. So, before starting to "file calories", let's try to understand if the current regime needs a management correction:

  • Number of meals per day: they must be about 5; breakfast, two snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon), lunch and dinner.
  • Energy intake of meals: the caloric amount of meals must also respect, more or less, this energy distribution: breakfast 15% of calories, snacks 5%, lunch 40% and dinner 35%.
  • Frequency of consumption and portion of food: not all foods are consumed in the same way. To "get it right" you can refer to this table:
Table 5 - approximate frequency of food consumption
Fundamental group of foods Subgroup Frequency Portion
I basic food group: Meat, Eggs and Peach Products    Fresh, red and white meat 1-2 times a week 100 g
Preserved meat 3 times a month or 1 time a week 50 g
Fresh fish products 1-2 times a week 150 g
Preserved fishery products 3 times a month or 1 time a week 50 g
Eggs, whole or just yolk 1 and / or 2 times a week (depending on the portion) 50 and / or 100 g (depending on the frequency of consumption)
II fundamental group of foods: Milk and Derivatives   Milk and yogurt Even 2-3 times a day 125 g / ml
Fresh cheeses 1-2 times a week - as a main course 100 g
Seasoned cheeses 1-2 times a week - as a dish; grated even every day but in adequate portion 50 g;
Grated about 5-10 g
III fundamental group of foods: Starchy legumes  Fresh, frozen, dried-rehydrated, canned legumes 2-4 times a week, in first courses or as a side dish (instead of those below) 150 g
Dried vegetables 2-4 times a week, in first courses or as a side dish (instead of those above), based on the use of cereals and potatoes 50 g
IV fundamental group of foods: Cereals, Tubers and Derivatives    Pasta, wheat, rice, corn, spelled, barley, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, semolina, polenta and other flours 3-4 times a week, in first courses, based on the use of legumes and potatoes 80 g
Bread 2-3 times a day 50 g
Potatoes 1-2 times a week, in first courses or as, based on the use of cereals and legumes 200 g
Breakfast cereals In variable quantities based on the use of other foods for breakfast 30 g
V fundamental group of foods: Seasoning Oils and Fats   Vegetable oils, cold pressed, not subjected to processes of chemical extraction, fractionation, hydrogenation, etc. 2-4 times a day (both as a cooking base and as a condiment) 5-10 g
Butter To a lesser extent than oils 5-10 g
Lard, tallow, margarines, hydrogenated or fractionated oils or extracts with solvents Less possible 5-10 g
VI and VII fundamental group of foods: Fruits and Vegetables Rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C  Fresh sweet fruits and vegetables 3-4 times a day. A portion of vegetables for lunch and one for dinner, plus possibly the one in the recipes for first courses; two portions of seasonal sweet fruit per day 150 g cooked or raw vegetables, stem, root, fruit; 150 g fruits
Preserved fruit: marmalade and jams, fruit juices, dehydrated fruit etc. Jam and jams also every day; preferably with a low added sugar content. The rest is one-off 20 g for jams and marmalades. 200 ml fruit juices
Oilseeds Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, macadamia, pecans, cashews, Brazil nuts etc. Even every day in low portions; 2-3 times a week in larger portions (respecting the total amount of fat in the diet) 15-30 g
Alcohol Red wine From 0 to even 2 times a day 125ml
Calorie sweeteners Sugar and Honey 0 to 2-3 times a day (respecting the total amount of sugar in the diet) 3-7 g of sugar; 10-20 g of honey
Sweet and savory snacks Bread substitutes: rusks, crackers, breadsticks, friselle, taralli, etc. Soft sweet baked goods: brioches, croissants, croissants, etc. Cookies. In variable quantities based on the use of bread and other foods for breakfast. 30 for bread substitutes. 50 g for soft baked goods. 30 g for cookies

How to lose 10 kg correctly?

Now let's move on to the definitive fix. We suggest, once again, to start by changing the frequency of consumption and portion of foods as suggested in table 5.
Then, after having ascertained that the weight remains stable, it is essential to proportionally reduce the calories, changing food (but remaining within the specific group), modifying the quantity of fiber, the level of skimming of dairy products, the quantity of oil or just the portion. For example, as follows:

Table 6 - Example of 30% calorie reduction
NORMAL DIET = 2350 kcal HYPOCALORIC DIET 70% = 1640 kcal
Breakfast   Breakfast  
Whole cow's milk 250 ml (1 cup) Skimmed cow's milk 250 ml (1 cup)
Biscuits 40 g (8 biscuits) Muesli 30 g (6 tablespoons)
Snack   Snack  
Banana 200 g (1 banana grande) Apple 150 g (1 apple)
Lunch   Lunch  
Pasta with tomato sauce   Pasta with tomato sauce  
Semolina pasta 100 g Whole wheat semolina pasta 80 g
Tomato puree 100 g Tomato puree 100 g
Grit 10 g (1 tablespoon) Grit 5 g (1 tsp)
Boiled egg and boiled potatoes   Boiled egg and salad  
Egg, whole 50 g Egg, whole 50 g
Potatoes 200 g (about 1 potato) Lettuce 70 g
Wheat bread 50 g (2 fat) Whole wheat bread 50 g (2 fat)
Extravirgin olive oil 20 g (2 tablespoons) Extravirgin olive oil 20 g (2 tablespoons)
Snack   Snack  
Whole milk yogurt 125 g (1 jar) Skimmed milk yogurt 125 g (1 jar)
Price   Price  
Boiled rice   Lesse potato  
White rice 90 g Potato 200 g
Grilled pork and eggplant steak   Grilled chicken and eggplant steak  
Pork loin 100 g Chicken breast 100 g
Melanzane 200 g Melanzane 200 g
Wheat bread 50 g Whole wheat bread 50 g
Extravirgin olive oil 20 g Extravirgin olive oil 20 g

It is advisable to continue with the diet until the result is achieved (loss of 10kg), that is, for about a month and a half or two months.

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