by Ida Macchi and Rossella Briganti
DnaSolution, G-Diet, DnaSlim, Genedieta, Nutrigene...
These are just a few of the brand new ones slimming programs which are experiencing a real boom. Nowadays there is no dietary study, wellness center or state-of-the-art Spa that does not offer men and women in search of the lost line a tailor-made regime, drawn up on the basis of their genetic profile. That is the "trademark" of DNA, unique and unmistakable, to which Hollywood stars such as Madonna e Jessica Alba, who recently said she lost eight pounds nonchalantly thanks to genetic diet.
Even Victoria's Secret models a little too chubby have been subjected by the famous lingerie brand to specific tests aimed at identifying their metabolic profile. Because today a small blood sample or a simple saliva sample is enough to identify the "fragility" of your DNA. That is, that genetic imprint that influences your constitution, your metabolism and that predisposes you to food intolerances, which are secretly responsible for the extra pounds. Here's what you can find out with new tests and how to counterattack.