How to define yourself in 8 weeks

Sculpt in 8 weeks

In the modern era, 8 weeks seems like a long time to define. Currently, by searching the internet, you can also sculpt yourself in a week, although I wouldn't recommend it. When researching this topic it must be borne in mind that the average period taken by an IFBB professional bodybuilder, for a competition, is 14 - 20 weeks. Their goal is to take the stage with body fat percentages of around 4%. For many people this is neither necessary nor achievable. However, already a body fat percentage of 9% or less will make many people turn to the beach in the summer. Based on a few factors, including genetics, 9% or below body fat should correspond to visible abs and some elegant streaks. In this article we will find out how to define yourself.

How to define yourself in 8 weeks

Use the post-combustion effect by practicing resistance training

Resistance training has effects beyond just placing the dumbbell on the rack. In fact, resistance training has been shown to speed up metabolism for up to 36 hours after training. This effect is so pronounced that resistance training has been shown to have the ability to increase resting metabolism (1). This is due to the energy used to break down and rebuild muscles, which requires a significant metabolic cost. However, this elevated metabolism only occurs by using small rest periods between sets and maximizing training intensity. Traditional cardio activity increases resting metabolism to a certain extent, but it also increases the levels of the stress hormones epinephrine and cortisol (2), which can promote muscle catabolism. In fact, cortisol directly affects fat deposits and weight gain in individuals who put their bodies under stress. It is worth remembering that long periods of regular cardio will make the body react as if it were under stress. There are also higher levels of cortisol receptors in the abdomen than elsewhere in the body, which unfortunately means that this area is more prone to fat storage. Despite this, cardiovascular activity is an essential tool for maintaining a calorie deficit. To lose fat, it is important to consume a little more calories than you ingest. During a period of 8 weeks this caloric deficit does not have to be huge as catabolism can always be incurred. This deficit can be created in three ways: by increasing physical activity, by consuming fewer calories, or both. The best strategy usually involves safeguarding muscle mass as much as possible. Eventually it will stall, where you won't be able to lose any more fat. At this point you can again choose between three options: introduce a cardiovascular activity program, reduce calorie intake, or both. With an 8-week program it is always better to maintain a small calorie deficit rather than a drastic deficit, in order to prevent the catabolism of muscle tissues.


Doing cardio at the optimal time for fat loss

The best time to do cardio is when your glycogen levels are at their lowest. Glycogen acts as a form of energy supply and is present in the muscles and cells of the liver. Its presence prevents the use of fat as energy during cardiovascular activity. Glycogen levels are at their lowest in the morning, before eating (or after any fasting period), and immediately following resistance training. Working out before breakfast can burn up to 20% more fat. Muscle catabolism can occur but using a combination of BCAAs, glutamine and creatine helps to preserve muscle tissue during cardiovascular activity. In terms of activity, it was always thought that practicing low intensity cardio was optimal for burning fat. Now there is a tendency to take this view as outdated, considering the effects on fat loss offered by high intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT workout offers great fat loss in short periods (3). Interval training is for many people the best option for burning fat if carbohydrate reduction doesn't make it impossible. In addition, long periods of low intensity cardio can increase cortisol levels and consequently the accumulation of fat in the central part of the body (4).


Maintain a great diet

Remember that during this 8-week program there will be numerous opportunities to stall and you will need to cut calories, increase activity, or both. Unless you want to find yourself in the situation where the only option is to do 2 hours of HIIT a day, it's important not to start with too low calories and carbohydrates. Once your calorie intake is too low, it will also be inevitable to start catabolizing muscle tissue. A good indicator of your daily calorie needs can be calculated using the Harris Benedict formula. However, to have a calorie deficit a good rule of thumb is to multiply your weight in pounds by 15 (for a 200-pound man, 200zx15 = 3000).
The ratio of the three macronutrients is also important, a good starting point is 40% carbohydrates, 40% protein and 20% fat (good dietary fats). If at some point you are not happy with the results, your carbohydrate intake will need to be altered. If you are losing weight too fast and feel like you are burning muscle, then increase your carbohydrate intake. Calculating calories is not a method used by most bodybuilders, but those who do usually are also careful about the protein and carbohydrate intake in every meal.A typical 90-pound man should start with 3000 calories per day which is equivalent to ; 300 grams of carbohydrates, 300 grams of protein and 67 grams of fat per day. This may seem like a large amount of food to eat, which is why it is typically divided into 6 meals throughout the day. In terms of the optimal amount of protein per meal, it's probably best to stay under 40 grams per meal. For a 90kg man this is equivalent to 6 meals and 2 protein supplements to get the necessary protein. Carbohydrates are best derived from the variety of complexes and fibrous. Complex carbohydrates do not cause those insulin spikes normally produced by simple carbohydrates and release energy slowly throughout the day. Fibrous carbohydrates produce a very small insulin response, ideal for forming the basis of any weight loss diet. As you approach the end of your target period to reach your goals, you can alter the ratio from fibrous to complex carbohydrates so that you lose fat continuously.
As stalls become difficult to overcome, it makes sense to use carbohydrate cycles to maintain your body's ability to process carbohydrates effectively. Cycling carbohydrates effectively means varying the amount of carbohydrates consumed every day or every week. One carbohydrate cycling that many people find effective is a 3-1, 3-day carb-free split (fibrous veggies allowed) followed by a day with carbohydrates.


Training principles

The core of any program aimed at maintaining muscle mass while reducing body fat is endurance work. A basic routine would include 6 resistance workouts lasting 45 minutes to 1 hour accompanied by 15 minutes of HIIT (either before breakfast or post workout). Each set should consist of 10-12 repetitions with small rest periods of 30-45 seconds to promote muscle hypertrophy and weight loss (Villanueva et al., 2012).


  1. Hambre et al. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 2012 Oct;72 (6):471-8
  2. Shojaei et al. International Journal of General Medicine 2011 Jan; 24 (4):79-84
  3. Tremblay et al. Metabolism. 1994 Jul; 43 (7): 814-818
  4. Maglione-Garves et al. ACSM? S Health and Fitness Journal. 2005; 9 (5): 20-23
  5. Villanueva et al. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2012 Oct;26(10):2755-64.
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