It has happened to everyone: we are in the middle of a conversation and suddenly we can't remember a word. The word we would like to say remains as "stuck" on the tip of the tongue, hence the famous expression "I have it on the tip of my tongue". There is no way to remember it, even if we have the feeling that we have it very clear in our minds. We will probably say to those close to us: "wait a second for it to come to me ...", but it is as if the word had disappeared. What really happens? Psychology has studied this phenomenon for years and has come to the conclusion that it is due to a disconnect between the concept involving the word and its lexical representation. In fact, to speak fluently it is not only necessary to manage the concepts we want to express, but also to have the lexical representation of the words available.When we are left with a word on the tip of the tongue, it is because we have a clear concept in our mind and we can also remember one or two letters of the word in question, but we do not have the complete lexical representation, so that we cannot pronounce it. Basically, we know what we mean, but we don't remember how to pronounce it. But now, a new study explores this phenomenon and provides us with a solution. Psychologists at McMaster University in Canada have recruited volunteers who have been given the experience of being stuck with a word on the tip of their tongue. This was done by presenting the definitions of strange words, such as: what is the name of the calculation tool with which you perform operations by moving balls on a rod? Sometimes people quickly encountered the answer, other times they indicated that they did not know it and in several cases they said they had the word on the tip of their tongue but could not pronounce it. After 10 or 30 seconds, researchers would suggest the answer. Anyway, the interesting detail is that activating this disconnection made people more inclined to experience the phenomenon, even if they already knew the word, no matter how long it had been. In fact, the experiment was repeated 5 minutes, 48 ​​hours and even a week after the initial experiment.These results suggest that having a word on the tip of the tongue does not simply depend on the disconnect between the concept and the lexical representation but that at the base A failed learning process is hiding.To understand what happens in the brain, we can imagine a hiker who knew the way but got lost before reaching the goal. This hiker is likely to start treading new paths that will take him further and further away from his destination, creating more chaos and confusion.Our brain behaves the same way when it cannot find the path between the concept, the letters and the sounds. And this experiment suggests that if we take the wrong path once, we are more likely to go wrong again and lose our way along the way.