Iodine: properties, benefits, curiosities

Lo iodine it is an indispensable mineral for the human body, it balances the metabolism and regulates important vital functions. Let's find out better.

> What is iodine

> Benefits and properties

> Daily iodine requirement

> Effects of iodine on the psyche and spirit

> How to use

> Curiosities and historical notes



What is iodine

Chemical symbol: iodine a chemical element represented by the atomic number 53 and symbol I.

The name derives from the ancient Greek and has as its meaning purple or violet, due to the color of the irritating vapors of the element.


Benefits and properties

The hormones produced by the thyroid, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, contain iodine and are responsible for the metabolic processes in the body. In particular, the trace element in question keeps the body fit and in balance, avoiding the accumulation of fat or excessive thinness, ensuring efficient use of calories, regulating temperature, blood pressure and heart rate; it also contributes to the removal of toxins and improves the correct assimilation and use of other minerals, such as calcium and silicon. The right amount of the mineral gives a healthy and radiant skin and strengthens the hair.

In people whose dietary iodine intake is low, a dysfunction called goiter develops. This generally occurs in inland areas of the planet, where the intake of dietary iodine is scarce; here, as elsewhere, prevention is carried out through the diffusion of salt with the addition of small quantities of iodine salts, the so-called sale iodato. Excessive iodine intake can be dangerous, especially for those with kidney problems.


Daily iodine requirement

Iodine, although present in the body in minimal quantities, plays an essential role in living beings; the daily dose that the human body needs is about 150-200 micrograms, which are eliminated in the urine and therefore must be replenished from the outside.


You can learn more about the properties and use of iodized salt

Iodine: properties, benefits, curiosities


Effects of iodine on the psyche and spirit

Iodine deficiency can be one of the causes of mental retardation, but it can also present symptoms ranging from depression, to poor sensory perception, as well as decreased fertility, fatigue and frustration.


Method of use

Iodine is present in marine plants and animals, fish and algae, especially the kelp and the brown arame seaweed Among the vegetable sources there are Swiss chard, zucchini, garlic, sesame and soy seeds, turnip greens, spinach and beans. It is also found in iodized salt, commonly found in supermarkets. Its correct daily intake is very important, especially for pregnant women; to be kept under control, and if necessary supplemented, if you follow diets low in animal proteins from the sea, such as a vegetarian or vegan diet. It is excellent to take whole sea salt.


Curiosities and historical notes

Iodine was discovered in the early 800s by Bernard Courtois, son of a saltpeter manufacturer, while he was burning seaweed stranded on the coasts of Brittany and Normandy to isolate the saltpetre. Today iodine is used for various purposes in different compounds, for example as an iodine tincture to disinfect, or potassium iodide in photography. Iodine is also used as a contrast liquid in radiography.


Iodine useful against thyroidism: discover all the treatments!


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