List of emotions and feelings

    List of emotions and feelings

    We all have different emotions and feelings. The human affective sphere is extremely varied. However, we are not always able to give a name to what we feel. We all feel emotions, but not all of us are able to recognize and manage them.

    In fact, there are people who have very limited emotional self-knowledge because, although they experience a wide range of emotions, they are unable to recognize them precisely. Obviously, not knowing what emotions or feelings we are experiencing is an impediment to managing them in the most appropriate way.

    Instead, knowing all the emotions and feelings will allow us to sharpen our emotional awareness. If you only know one or two musical notes, they will be the only ones you will hear as you will pay more attention to them. If you know them all, your musical universe will expand. The same happens at the level of feelings and emotions.

    A study conducted at George Mason University revealed that people who are able to detect and understand their emotions are less likely to use drugs, alcohol or food as escape routes.

    Other studies done at the University of Kansas went further, delving into the impact of emotional self-regulation on a physical level. These researchers found that people with cancer who could detect, label and understand their emotions had lower levels of inflammation, a process that is at the root of this disease and is considered a poor prognosis.

    Neither the feelings are that emotional nor the thinking is that rational

    We tend to think that emotions and thinking are antagonistic processes that are mutually exclusive. But the truth is that in every emotion there is a pinch of reason and in every thought there is a bit of feeling.

    Although we act guided by the emotions we are experiencing at that moment, in reality we are also reacting to a complex mental process that occurred in the background: the cognitive interpretation we made of the event.

    The truth is that we don't react to reality, but rather to the meaning we give to it, and in that case it affects everything from our expectations and needs to our thoughts. Therefore, emotions are not simply reactions to the environment, but also to the assessment we make of what is happening to us.

    For example, if a person spills a glass of water on us, the most normal emotional reaction would be surprise because it is an unexpected event. But when we start thinking about that person's intentions and our rational mind kicks in, we can react with anger, thinking that he did it on purpose. Therefore, anger is not an emotional reaction to what happened, but to our interpretation of it.

    What is the difference between emotions and feelings?

    Knowing the difference between emotions and feelings is not a mere epistemological or linguistic exercise, it will help us to better understand our reactions and behaviors, allowing us to regulate our affective responses to achieve greater well-being.

    What are emotions? They are reactions of affective value to certain stimuli, which can be external, something we see or experience, or internal, such as a thought or a memory. Emotions trigger a series of hormonal and neurochemical responses that produce a state of activation, prompting us to take immediate action. They are usually relatively fleeting experiences that generate a high degree of pleasure or displeasure.

    When they give us terrible news, such as the death of a pet or a loved one, for example, it is an emotion that is activated. In this type of situation, our reaction is almost automatic and difficult to control, so we will feel very sad and we will also likely cry.

    What are feelings? Feelings elicit the same physiological and psychological responses as emotions, but they have a built-in conscious evaluation. In other words, they imply awareness and appreciation of the underlying emotion and affective experience we are having. They also tend to be more stable over time.

    As the days go by, emotions fade to give way to feelings as a cognitive interpretation of the state occurs. In the case of bad news, for example, the feelings that sadness leaves are usually: pain, melancholy, emptiness, restlessness, discouragement or even anger.

    Therefore, the main differences between emotions and feelings are:

    1. Duration. Emotions are transient states that come and go relatively quickly. The feelings, on the other hand, have been more stable over time. Joy, for example, is an emotion, while love is a feeling.
    2. Order of appearance. Feelings are the result of emotions, so they usually precede them. Joy, for example, can turn into happiness and attraction into love.
    3. Intensity. Emotions are usually more intense than feelings because their main goal is to predispose us to action. The complex processes of evaluation that usually intervene in feelings diminish their intensity somewhat.
    4. Processing level. Emotions manifest themselves unconsciously, generating an almost immediate response, while feelings, which take longer to form, are consciously processed.
    5. Degree of regulation. Emotions have been affective states that are difficult to control as they generate automatic psychophysiological reactions. We cannot completely contain emotions such as fear or joy, for example, as as soon as we experience them, they will manifest themselves through microexpressions. Feelings, on the other hand, can be managed better over time by looking for ways to express them more assertively.

    However, emotions and feelings are often difficult to separate in practice since where there is one feeling there are usually different emotions and vice versa.

    Understanding the differences between emotions and feelings helps us not to feel guilty about our first emotional reactions. It also teaches us not to cling to them, so that the unpleasant ones can disappear with the same naturalness with which they appeared.

    The 3 functions of emotions and feelings

    Although Western culture has prioritized reason for centuries by relegating emotions to the background and even turning them into our enemies, the truth is that they are very useful. Even the most unpleasant emotions play an important role in social and personal adaptation.

    1. Adaptive function

    Primary emotions are particularly important due to their hedonic quality. Fear, for example, favors flight or defensive immobility in the face of danger, while disgust prevents us from eating something that could harm us. Even the expression of fear may be enough to calm a strong reaction from an attacker.

    Surprise, on the other hand, encourages us to pay more attention to what is happening in our environment. Therefore, emotions and feelings are a kind of internal compass that allows us to quickly orient ourselves in our environment, generating the most appropriate response.

    1. Social Function

    Feelings and emotions are powerful social adjuvants. Their expression allows us to predict how other people might behave in order to adapt our behavior to theirs, which helps us to better adapt to social environments.

    Emotions allow us to carry out an information exchange with our interlocutors through small facial gestures, tone of voice or body movements. In fact, we are all able to capture emotional micro-expressions and process them at a subconscious level to understand the emotional states of others and guess their intentions.

    This ability is what allows us to understand that a person is upset and perhaps it is not the best time to make a criticism or pushes us to approach someone sad to console him.

    Therefore, emotional reactions not only reveal our affective state, but are also clues that regulate how others react to us. Repressing certain emotions can also have a social function to avoid conflicts or problems in interpersonal relationships.

    1. Motivational function

    Another of the most important functions of emotions and feelings relates to their power to energize our behavior. Emotions have a deep relationship with motivation. In fact, emotions drive us to action.

    This is the case, for example, of anger, an emotion that generally triggers aggressive or defensive behavior. Emotions can generate motivated behaviors, direct them towards a certain goal and make us perform it with intensity. Passion is another feeling that can keep us focused on a person or a project for a long time.

    It is worth clarifying that this motivational function does not depend only on the type of emotion but also on the dimension of sympathy or antipathy it generates and on the intensity of the emotional reaction. If we're just angry, for example, we might control ourselves, but if we feel angry it'll be harder not to let that anger out.

    How many emotions are there?

    In Psychology there is a certain general consensus in speaking of 6 basic types of emotions: fear, anger, disgust, sadness, surprise and joy. However, more recent research has shown that the human face is capable of creating more than 7.000 different expressions that reflect a great deal of emotional variety.

    Therefore, basic emotions are simply the foundation upon which we build more complex and subtle feelings and emotions that color our experiences.

    List of basic and complex emotions and feelings

    Positive emotions and feelings

    1. Enjoyment
    2. Love
    3. Affection
    4. Compassion
    5. Generosity
    6. Enjoyment
    7. Jubilation
    8. Hope
    9. Admiration
    10. Freedom
    11. Success
    12. Justice
    13. Gratitude
    14. Acceptance
    15. accompanying
    16. Kindness
    17. Appreciation
    18. Benevolence
    19. Pride
    20. Amiability
    21. Relief
    22. Empathy
    23. Integrity
    24. Humility
    25. Attachment
    26. Approval
    27. Concentration
    28. Enough
    29. Armonia
    30. Honesty
    31. Temperance
    32. Tolerance
    33. Motivation
    34. Happiness
    35. Firmness
    36. Fortezza
    37. Autonomy
    38. Honors
    39. Solidarity
    40. Optimism
    41. Satisfaction
    42. Safety
    43. Reading comprehension
    44. Sympathy
    45. Tenderness
    46. Passion
    47. Pixy
    48. Enthusiasm
    49. Respect
    50. Peace
    51. Piacere
    52. Compromise
    53. Fervor
    54. Charm
    55. Competition
    56. Fullness
    57. Omnipotence
    58. Euphoria
    59. Ecstasy
    60. Illusione
    61. Support
    62. Contentment
    63. Interest
    64. Confidence
    65. Rejoicing
    66. Please note:
    67. Dignity
    68. energia
    69. Vitality
    70. Complacency
    Negative emotions and feelings
    1. Sadness
    2. malinconia
    3. abandonment
    4. Girl
    5. Abuse
    6. Need
    7. Absence
    8. Demotivation
    9. Fright
    10. Bitterness
    11. Anguish
    12. Aggression
    13. Anguish
    14. Hesitation
    15. Anxiety
    16. Disgust
    17. Revenge
    18. Courage
    19. discomfort
    20. Shame
    21. Empty
    22. Hatred
    23. Hostility
    24. Humiliation
    25. Contempt
    26. Meanness
    27. Fear
    28. Stubbornness
    29. Terror
    30. Betrayal
    31. Annoyance
    32. Overwhelm
    33. Pietà
    34. Handling
    35. Fear
    36. Phobia
    37. Failure
    38. Fragile
    39. Frustration
    40. Furia
    41. Solitude
    42. Imperturbability
    43. Paralysis
    44. rancor
    45. Anger
    46. I suspect
    47. Modesty
    48. Vulnerability
    49. Miseria
    50. Fearlessly
    51. Concern
    52. Arrogance
    53. Pessimism
    54. Discrepancy
    55. Penalty
    56. Laziness
    57. Regret
    58. Hate
    59. Anger
    60. Hoax
    61. Stress
    62. Loss
    63. Guilt
    64. Ira
    65. Envy
    66. Offense
    67. Wonder
    68. Saddening
    69. Amazement
    70. Impatience
    71. Distrust
    72. Impotence
    73. Bewilderment
    74. Disability
    75. Incompatibility
    76. Misunderstanding
    77. Misadventure
    78. Indignation
    79. Instability
    80. Unhappiness
    81. Inferiority
    82. Injustice
    83. Distruzione
    84. Heartbreak
    85. Dissatisfaction
    86. Insecurity
    87. insufficiency
    88. Intolerance
    89. Ira
    90. Irritation
    91. Jealousy
    92. Guilt
    93. Censorship
    94. Collar
    95. Opposition
    96. Addiction
    97. Depression
    98. Defeat
    99. Discouragement
    100. Impotence
    101. Discomfort
    102. Restlessness
    103. Reconsideration
    104. Disappointment
    105. Desolation
    106. Miseria
    107. Resentment
    108. Disenchantment
    109. Despair
    110. Reluctance
    111. Disappointment
    112. Desolation
    113. Petrification
    114. Disorientation
    115. Contempt
    116. Famine
    117. Discredit
    118. Undermining
    119. Devaluation
    120. Pain
    121. Disgust
    122. Pietà
    123. Laziness
    124. Dysphoria
    125. Exasperation
    126. Rimordimento
    127. Resentment
    128. Obnubilazione
    129. Affliction
    130. Disappointment
    Ambivalent emotions and feelings
    1. nostalgia
    2. Desiderio
    3. Lussuria
    4. Unit
    5. attraction
    6. Alarm
    7. Amazement
    8. Courage
    9. Alteration
    10. Pride
    11. Vulnerability
    12. Enhancement
    13. Temptation
    14. Patience
    15. Surprise
    16. Ambivalence
    17. Tenderness
    18. Desiderio
    19. Shyness
    20. Tranquility
    21. Pentimento
    22. Paranoia
    23. Disruption
    24. Frenzy
    25. Confusion
    26. Serenity
    27. Company introduction
    28. Submission
    29. Calm
    30. Rebellion
    31. Refuse
    32. Membership
    33. Compromise
    34. Bliss
    35. Disgust
    36. Repugnance
    37. Reserve
    38. Persecution
    39. Obligation
    40. Ostentation
    41. Excitement
    42. Mastery
    43. Oddity
    44. Non-compliance
    45. Disbelief
    46. Resignation
    47. Indifference
    48. Fearless
    49. Intrigue
    50. Invasion
    51. Impulsiveness
    52. Calm
    53. Consolation
    54. Restlessness
    55. Correspondence
    56. Curiosity
    57. Nearness
    58. Suffering
    59. Hesitation
    60. Contempt
    61. Enjoyment
    62. Exaltation
    63. Condescension
    64. Equanimity
    65. Apathy
    66. Inspiration
    67. Seriousness
    68. Trance
    69. Stubbornness
    70. boldness
    71. Perplexity

    In this list of emotions and feelings we refer to positive, negative and variable emotions, but in reality all emotions and feelings can become negative or positive depending on the way we experience and express them. Furthermore, it is not even all emotions that exist since there are also other emotional states that we have experienced but which in our language do not have a literal translation, such as pronoia and awumbuk.

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