Metabolic Syndrome Diet Example

Metabolic Syndrome Diet Example


The following indications are for informational purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professionals such as a doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of PERSONALIZED food therapies.

Metabolic syndrome

The metabolic syndrome is not a disease with a uni-factorial etiology, but a clinical condition characterized by several predisposing and reciprocally aggravating elements; these factors, combined with each other, significantly increase the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, permanent disability and death.
The metabolic syndrome is closely related and consists of:

  1. Overweight (BMI> 24,9), obesity (BMI> 30,0) and visceral obesity, with an abdominal circumference greater than 88cm in women and 102cm in men
  2. Alteration of glucose metabolism, with fasting glucose greater than 110mg / dl
  3. Alteration of lipid metabolism:
    • Hypercholesterolemia with total cholesterol> 200mg / dl, HDL <40mg / dl in men and <50mg / dl in women, LDL> 160mg / dl
    • Hypertriglyceridemia with triglycerides> 150mg / dl
  4. Alteration (increase) in blood pressure with levels> 85 / 135mmHg.

In the case of metabolic syndrome, various comorbidities are frequently observed, such as: fatty hepatic steatosis, hyperuricemia (in predisposed subjects), biliary lithiasis, kidney stones (in predisposed subjects), gastroesophageal disorders (gastroesophageal reflux, hiatal hernia, etc.), symptoms of intestinal alteration (irritable colon) etc.
The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is rather complex since it subordinates to the single metabolic alterations mentioned above and, to obtain a positivity to the metabolic syndrome itself, it is necessary that at least 3 of the 4 risk factors mentioned above be confirmed.

Diet for metabolic syndrome

The first intervention in the fight against the metabolic syndrome is the diet associated with physical activity.
Diet for metabolic syndrome is aimed at restoring general homeostasis; to achieve this, it is first of all necessary to carry out a useful and incisive weight loss on the metabolic parameters, reducing fat mass and (possibly) toning / hypertrophying the lean one. The diet for the metabolic syndrome must have some very specific characteristics; summarizing them:

  • Hypo-caloricity, about 70% of the kcal necessary to maintain weight: this should allow for a weight loss NOT less than 3kg / month
  • Moderation of all servings and the glycemic load of meals (moderation of the insulin peak)
  • Nutritional balance:
    • Lipids at 25% of the TOT kcal, mainly unsaturated and which guarantee the supply of essential fatty acids at the expense of saturated ones
    • Protein from 0,75 to 1,2g / kg of desirable physiological weight with a high biological value
    • TOT carbohydrates for the remaining 55-60%, with an intake of sucrose that does NOT exceed 10% of the total energy and that of simple sugars that remains between 10-16%
    • Abolition of alcohol or limitation to ½ or one alcohol unit per day - ONLY from red wine
    • Supply of all vitamins and minerals in the recommended rations
    • Supply of at least 30g / day of dietary fiber (modulator of fat and sugar absorption, regulator of intestinal peristalsis, satiating and prebiotic)
  • Cholesterol intake <200mg / dl
  • Significant supply of foods rich in antioxidants, phytosterols, lecithin and other molecules useful for the body
  • Predilection for foods containing medium-low carbohydrates glycemic INDEX (moderation of the insulin peak)
  • Predilection for foods rich in essential fatty acids of the ω ?? 3 and ω ?? 6 family (they reduce triglycerides in the blood, have a positive effect on cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and if taken in the right ratio they thin the blood and are anti-inflammatory, etc.)
  • Elimination of added table salt and limitation of stored foods
  • Increase in raw, unprocessed foods, especially those with a high potassium and magnesium content
  • Elimination of sweet foods.

Useful supplements to the diet for metabolic syndrome

The supplements useful to the diet for the metabolic syndrome are ALL those aimed at individual metabolic alterations:

  • Viscous fiber, if the minimum intake of 30g / day is not reached (moderator of the glycemic index, cholesterol chelator, preserves the integrity of the intestine, etc.)
  • Essential fatty acids of the ω3 family (lower blood pressure, thin the blood, lower triglycerides, etc.)
  • Lecithin (reduces the absorption of cholesterol and improves its metabolism)
  • Phytosterols (reduce the absorption of cholesterol)
  • Arginine amino acid (optimizes blood pressure)
  • Potassium and magnesium (potassium optimizes blood pressure and magnesium is a powerful alkalizer)
  • Polyphenols (reduce the oxidative stress of lipoproteins and determine their better efficiency)

Example Diet against the Metabolic Syndrome

Retired, former pastry chef, she has left coxofemoral arthrosis and a pain in the spine concentrated in the lumbar segment (thinning of the discs, protrusions, etc.) which prevents physical activity. She is obese, has an abdominal circumference> 88cm and from a metabolic point of view highlights: tendency to hypercholesterolemia (330mg / dl), tendency to hypertriglyceridemia (170mg / dl), blood pressure changes (with maximum peaks up to 170mm / Hg), tendency to kidney stones, type 2 diabetes mellitus (fasting glycaemia of 130mg / dl).

Gender F
Age 64
Height cm 158
Wrist circumference cm 17,3
Constitution Robust
Height / wrist 9,1
Morphological type Brevilineo
Weight kg 89,5
Body mass index 35,9
Physiological body mass index desirable 24,9
Desirable physiological weight kg 62,2
Basal metabolism kcal 1259,9
Physical activity level coefficient 1,37*
Energy expenditure kcal 1726,1
Diet IPOcaloric -30% 1208 Kcal approx
Lipids 25% 302kcal 33,6g
Protein 0,8-1,2g / kg 199,2 - 298,6kcal 49,8 - 74,6g
Carbohydrates 58,5% 706,8 - 607,4kcal 188,5 - 162g
10-16% 102,8 - 193,3kcal 27,4 - 51,5g
Breakfast 15% 182kcal
Snack 5% 60kcal
Lunch 40% 483kcal
Snack 5% 60kcal
Price 35% 423kcal

* Coefficient lower than that indicated and corresponding to the age group of 75 years, since the subject is almost totally infirm.

Example Diet Against Metabolic Syndrome - Day 1

Breakfast, about 15% of the calories
Low-fat milk 150ml, 75,0kcal
Rusks 25g, 106,5kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Pesche 150g, 58,5kcal
Lunch, about 40% of the calories
Pasta with tomato sauce
Wholemeal dry pasta 60g, 194,4kcal
Tomato Sauce 100g, 24,0kcal
Grated Parmesan cheese 10g, 39,2kcal
Grilled chicken breast
Chicken breast 100g, 110,0kcal
zucchini 200g, 32,0kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 10g, 90kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
apricots 150g, 72kcal
Dinner, about 35% of the calories
Pan-fried cod or hake
Cod fillet 100g, 82,0kcal
Fresh beans) 80g, 93,6kcal
Whole grain bread 50g, 121,5kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 10g, 90kcal

Example Diet Against Metabolic Syndrome - Day 2

Breakfast, about 15% of the calories
Low-fat milk 150ml, 75,0kcal
Biscuits 30g, 109,5kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Melon 150g, 51,0kcal
Lunch, about 40% of the calories
Risotto with mushrooms
Medium-long grain brown rice 60g, 217,2kcal
Champignon mushrooms 100g, 22,0kcal
Grated Parmesan cheese 10g, 39,2kcal
Grilled turkey breast
Turkey breast 100g, 111,0kcal
Orange tomatoes 200g, 32,0kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 10g, 90kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Plums 150g, 69,0kcal
Dinner, about 35% of the calories
Boiled octopus
Octopus 100g, 82,0kcal
Peas (fresh) 80g, 64,8kcal
Whole grain bread 50g, 121,5kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 10g, 90kcal

Example Diet Against Metabolic Syndrome - Day 3

Breakfast, about 15% of the calories
Low-fat milk 150ml, 75,0kcal
Corn flakes 30g, 108,3kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Cherries 100g, 63,0kcal
Lunch, about 40% of the calories
Potatoes and artichokes in salads
Potatoes 200g, 154,4kcal
Carciofi 200g, 94,0kcal
ricotta cheese
Semi-skimmed milk ricotta 120g, 165,6kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 5g, 45,0kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Strawberries 200g, 64,0kcal
Dinner, about 35% of the calories
Sea bass fillet
Sea bass, various species 100g, 97,0kcal
Tegolini 200g, 62,0kcal
Whole grain bread 50g, 121,5kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 15g, 135,0kcal

Example Diet Against Metabolic Syndrome - Day 4

Breakfast, about 15% of the calories
Low-fat milk 150ml, 75,0kcal
Rusks 25g, 106,5kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Pesche 150g, 58,5kcal
Lunch, about 40% of the calories
Pasta with zucchini
Wholemeal dry pasta 60g, 194,4kcal
zucchini 100g, 16,0kcal
Grated Parmesan cheese 10g, 39,2kcal
Grilled chicken breast
Chicken breast 100g, 110,0kcal
Orange tomatoes 200g, 32,0kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 10g, 90kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
apricots 150g, 72kcal
Dinner, about 35% of the calories
Fillets of sea bream
sea ​​bream 100g, 90,0kcal
Fresh beans) 80g, 93,6kcal
Whole grain bread 50g, 121,5kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 10g, 90kcal

Example Diet Against Metabolic Syndrome - Day 5

Breakfast, about 15% of the calories
Low-fat milk 150ml, 75,0kcal
Biscuits 30g, 109,5kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Melon 150g, 51,0kcal
Lunch, about 40% of the calories
Risotto with aubergines
Medium-long grain brown rice 60g, 217,2kcal
Melanzane 100g, 22,0kcal
Grated Parmesan cheese 10g, 39,2kcal
Grilled turkey breast
Turkey breast 100g, 111,0kcal
Orange tomatoes 200g, 32,0kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 10g, 90kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Plums 150g, 69,0kcal
Dinner, about 35% of the calories
Baked squid
Squid or squid 100g, 92,0kcal
Peas (fresh) 80g, 64,8kcal
Whole grain bread 50g, 121,5kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 10g, 90kcal

Example Diet Against Metabolic Syndrome - Day 6

Breakfast, about 15% of the calories
Low-fat milk 150ml, 75,0kcal
Corn flakes 30g, 108,3kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Cherries 100g, 63,0kcal
Lunch, about 40% of the calories
Frozen pizza
½ Pizza margherita 170g, 408,0kcal
Asparagus 200g, 40,0kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 5g, 45kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Strawberries 200g, 64,0kcal
Dinner, about 35% of the calories
Grilled tuna fillet
Fresh tuna, yellow fins 100g, 108,0kcal
Tegolini 200g, 62,0kcal
Whole grain bread 50g, 121,5kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 15g, 135,0kcal

Example Diet Against Metabolic Syndrome - Day 7

Breakfast, about 15% of the calories
Low-fat milk 150ml, 75,0kcal
Rusks 25g, 106,5kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
Pesche 150g, 58,5kcal
Lunch, about 40% of the calories
Pasta with peppers
Wholemeal dry pasta 60g, 194,4kcal
Mixed peppers 100g, 22,0kcal
Grated Parmesan cheese 10g, 39,2kcal
Grilled chicken breast
Chicken breast 100g, 110,0kcal
Cucumbers 200g, 30,0kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 10g, 90kcal
Snack, about 5% of calories
apricots 150g, 72kcal
Dinner, about 35% of the calories
Halibut in a pan
Halibut fillet 100g, 110,0kcal
Fresh beans) 80g, 93,6kcal
Whole grain bread 50g, 121,5kcal
Extra virgin olive oil 10g, 90kcal

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