Water Gymnastics: AcquaGym Total Body Exercises

Water Gymnastics: AcquaGym Total Body Exercises

With the passage of time it can happen that the classics cardio and strength exercises to be done on the ground become a routine boring and that it is increasingly difficult to dedicate oneself to them with constancy and dedication.

An in-depth alternative however it exists and is represented bywater workout, which exactly like the one on the ground offers many full body options.

The locations where to do it are many, from indoor pools in winter to outdoor pools in summer, to the sea.

Advantages of Water Gymnastics

Aquatic exercise is great cardio workout, but it also increases strength, endurance and flexibility.

Since water offers greater resistance than air, training in the pool or in the sea can make the same exercises you would do on land more challenging, allowing you to burn more calories in a shorter period of time. Swimming is in fact indicated for weight loss.

The water however, at the same time exerts a lower impact on the joints and this exposes you to a lower risk of injury, as well as being particularly suitable for people with osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint injuries, balance problems and pregnant women.

Total Body Exercises in Water


Walking in the water is a great exercise, mostly for those who are not particularly trained, because it does not require great athletic training.

To do it trains the muscles of the arms, core and lower body. Over time, walking intensity can be increased by holding dumbbells or tying small weights to the ankle.

  • Diving with water at waist height.
  • Stretch the spine and walk by applying pressure first on the heel and then on the toes. Never move on tiptoe.
  • Keep your arms at your sides, move them as you walk, and keep your core in traction.
  • Continue for 5-10 minutes.


Here a complete workout with water walking. Water jogging is also excellent. 

Arm lift

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the arms and requires the use of dumbbells.

  • Diving in water up to the shoulders.
  • Hold the dumbbells in your hands, with your arms extended to the side of your body and palms facing up.
  • Bring your elbows close to your torso as you raise your forearms to the water.
  • Rotate the wrists to turn the palms down.
  • Return your arms to the starting position.
  • Do 1 to 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions of each exercise.

Side arm lift

This exercise addresses the upper body and requires the use of dumbbells.

  • Diving in water up to the shoulders.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms extended at your sides.
  • Raise your arms to the side until they are level with the water and shoulders.
  • Lower your arms to your sides.
  • Do 1 to 3 sets of 8-14 repetitions.

Pushes against the edge

This exercise helps activate the core and lower body muscles.

  • Stand in the water near the edge of the pool, bend your knees against your chest and press your feet against the wall.
  • Get away from it as much as possible, floating on your back.
  • Bring your knees to your chest, then press your feet to the bottom of the pool and return to the wall.
  • Continue for 5-10 minutes.

Jumping jack

I jumping jack they work the muscles of the upper and lower body. If you want to add resistance you can tie weights to the wrist or ankle.

  • Immerse yourself in the water at chest level, with your feet together and your arms at your sides.
  • Jump by moving your legs outward and, at the same time, bringing your arms above your head.
  • Jump again to return to the starting position, with your feet together and your arms at your sides.
  • Do 1 to 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

You swing with your legs

This dynamic exercise works the core, lower back and legs. Keep your feet off the bottom of the pool while running.

  • Bring the knees into the chest.
  • Push your feet and legs vigorously forward and float on your back.
  • Bring the knees back to the chest.
  • Extend your legs behind you so that they float on your abdomen.
  • Do 1 to 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Knee lift

This exercise can strengthen the core and lower body muscles. To increase the difficulty, weights can be tied around the ankle.

  • Position yourself in the water up to waist height.
  • Engage your core as you lift your right leg, bending the knee until the leg is level with the water.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Extend your leg and hold this position for as many seconds.
  • Slowly lower your leg, keeping it straight.
  • Repeat the sequence of movements with the left leg.
  • Continue for 5-10 minutes.

Kick backwards

This exercise works the core and leg muscles. Ankle weights can be used to make it more challenging.

  • Stand near the edge of the pool with your hands on it.
  • Kick with the legs, first simulating the frog and then dolphin style.
  • Perform each kick for 1-3 minutes.


Training in seawater is also very effective.

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