Zone Diet

Zone Diet

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Zone Diet - or as more recently you prefer to call it in your country: "Food Method Zone"- is a dietary system based on specific criteria for choosing and managing foods, which dovrebbe have a beneficial impact on the human body by improving the general state of health.

By "Zone" we mean one metabolic state in which the organism works at its maximum peak of efficiency; this circumstance must be sought in weight loss - if necessary - and in the intake of specific nutritional elements that would improveinflammatory balance overall.

In summary: in the Zone, the human machine should work at the best of its physiological potential, without hunger pangs, full of energy and with maximum efficiency during physical performance. Food is the most powerful drug we have available and we must take it as it were, in a controlled way and in the right proportions.

These are the prerequisites of the Zone diet, the most discussed diet of the early XNUMXs.

To learn more: Zone Diet: How to Start Gradually To learn more: Two Systems of the Zone Diet: How to Start


Il founder of the Zone Diet, a biochemist American by name Barry Sears, argues that by balancing the three energetic macronutrients - respectively carbohydrates, proteins and fats - it is possible to achieve a optimal both physical and mental state. In addition, the area allows considerable reduction of body fat, should it be present in excess. All this would happen thanks to an end hormonal control mediated by nutrition.

For further information: Zone Diet in your country

Zone Diet and Eicosanoid Control

- eicosanoids represent a group of hormones or the like comprising: prostaglandins, leukotrienes e thromboxanes, hydroxylated fatty acids etc, produced in small quantities from each cell of our body.

They are very complex and have one short life; this is because they perform their physiological function and are then degraded.

Many are theirs functions inside our body. Like all hormones, eicosanoids, in addition to being chemical messengers, possess antagonistic effects; Simplifying, we could say that there are "good" (anti-inflammatory) and "bad" (proinflammatory) eicosanoids - although obviously this is a conceptual distortion, as inflammation is a mechanism of body defense very important.

"Good" eicosanoids "Bad" eicosanoids
They inhibit platelet aggregation They promote platelet aggregation
They promote vasodilation They promote vasoconstriction
They stimulate the immune response They suppress the immune response
They fight inflammation They promote inflammation

Since, in the human body, balance is synonymous with health, while imbalance is synonymous with disease, the area aims to achieve the perfect equilibrium between the production of eicosanoid antagonists, since both are used to carry out the natural functions of our body.

For further information: Zone Diet Example

Zone diet and control of insulin and glucagon hormones

L'insulin, produced by the pancreas, is a forte anabolic hormone which has the function of storing nutrients inside the cells.

When we eat, a rise area of glycemia which stimulates the intervention ofinsulin, which, by conveying the nutrients into the cells, back blood glucose levels in the standard.

When we hire too many calories and especially when these come from carbohydrates, you have a strong overhang area of glycemia, thus sparking a response insulin high which, after filling the hepatic and muscle reserves, stimulates liposynthesis and the storage of calories in excess in the cells adipose in the form of grassi. In other words, according to Barry Sears, excesses of insulin induce an accumulation of fat. In truth, however, this DON'T could happen if there wasn't a excess di macronutrients energetic upstream of the reaction - regardless of whether they come from carbohydrates, amino acids or fatty acids.

Il glucagoninstead, it is theantagonist dell 'insulin, that is, it mobilizes stored energy reserves. It is stimulated from a diet poor di Calories and especially needy di carbohydrates. Like insulin, when it is secreted in excess, reca damage all'organism.

The area aims to controllare these two hormones through a balance between carbohydrates, proteins and fats, preventing excessive fluctuations in blood sugar, which are responsible for fattening and many diseases. To tell the truth, it must be specified that the Zone diet is based on an assessment of caloric needs that underestimate the real needs; for this reason, even when it does not aim to lose weight, it tends to make you lose weight. Its proponents claim that it is an effect of insulin control, but this is not the case.

In Barry Sears' first book, "How to Reach the Zone", studies are reported that attest to how this nutritional regimen has led to improve the psycho-physical conditions of patients affected by very serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus. It goes without saying that, in a pathological condition like this - almost always related to obesity - to lower food carbohydrates by 10-20% - the Zone, we will see, predicts 40% - may lead to a lowering area of glycemia and triglyceridemia. Moreover, having a slimming effect, there is also a metabolic normalization effect - in addition to blood sugar and triglyceridemia, also of cholesterol, Dell 'uricaemiaand pressure sanguine andinflammation systemic. However, this is not mainly due to the Zone diet, but to weight loss - also obtainable with other food systems - even if it is undeniable that other aspects of the system, such as the richness of essential fatty acids, antioxidants of various kinds, other vitamins and minerals , can contribute to the restoration of general homeostasis (however present, for example, also in the Mediterranean diet).

Video Recipe: Cocoa Bars Zone Diet Video Recipe: Homemade Zone Protein Cookies


  • The right proportions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats must be taken in every meal; the ratio in calories must be 40% -30% -30%;
  • Between one meal and the next, no more than 5 hours should elapse. If there is more time, you need to have a snack. In this way the day is made up of at least 3 main meals and 2 snacks;
  • It is necessary to reduce as much as possible the consumption of sweets, bread, pasta, rice and refined cereals with a high glycemic index, that is strong insulin stimulators;
  • It is necessary to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits with a low glycemic index, that is carbohydrates that gradually stimulate insulin;
  • To have an adequate hormonal response, a snack must consist of at least one block of carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • The last snack must be the one in the evening (before going to bed), unless you have had dinner within the previous two hours;
  • As can be seen from the first rule, the Zone diet differs from the classic food pyramid which imposes carbohydrates at its base (pasta, bread, cereals, etc.). Compared to our Mediterranean diet, the zone diet suggests a carbohydrate share of 40% deriving mainly from fruit e vegetables, 30% proteins from lean meats and cheeses, fish, eggs, etc., and 30% unsaturated fats (monounsaturated such as omega 9 from extra virgin olive oil, omega 3 from fish and omega 6 from oil seeds).
For further information: Breakdown of macronutrients in the Zone Diet Video: The Zone Diet by Barry Sears

Zone Diet - Video: Benefits, Efficacy and Criticality

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