Accepting a physical defect: how to do it?

Accepting a physical defect: how to do it?

A physical defect causes a feeling of inferiority that must be addressed. The origin of the complex is real, it is there, but it must not be allowed to become a complex.

Accepting a physical defect: how to do it?

Last update: 17 September, 2019

Accepting a physical defect can be a great challenge. Physical defects that we do not accept in ourselves can cause shyness, shame, anxiety, a sense of inferiority, etc.

However, although many may experience a feeling of inferiority at some stage in their life, this does not mean that they suffer from an inferiority complex. For such a complex to be configured, it is not necessary for the person to have a real defect; you just need to think you have it, and that includes physical defects as well.

Often the cause lies in feeling rejected by others. And perhaps, at the origin of the refusal there was a physical defect. The consequence is that this experience can decisively mark the personality.

But overcoming and accepting a physical defect is not impossible; it is a delicate path that we will tackle in the next few lines.

We all have flaws

That's right. We all have flaws, whether we are aware of them or not. It may also happen that some see flaws where there are none at all. In any case, subjective perception is decisive.

The subjective perception of a defect refers to the belief that there is some imperfection, whether it is real or not. And all of this is extremely important, because it can mark us for life. That's why overcoming and accepting a physical, psychological or other defect is essential. These defects generally belong to one of these three basic areas:

  • Physical (body defects, ugliness, obesity, short or tall stature, sexual impotence, characteristics of the opposite sex, etc.).
  • Intellectual (mediocre intelligence, little culture, etc.).
  • Social (lack of sympathy, lack of ease of speech, etc.).

Physical defects can generate feelings of inferiority

Not accepting a physical defect can lead to feelings of inferiority. In turn, feelings of inferiority can cause inhibition and isolation. And this can result in a shy and insecure personality, within a context of low social activity.

The well-known Austrian doctor and psychotherapist Alfred Adler has studied this problem in depth, proposing an approach based on the system of psychological compensation: when someone feels inferior, they can give in to resignation.

Such resignation will give rise to an attitude of exaggerated modesty and shyness, insecurity and inhibition. But if he does not resign, he will try to compensate for his shortcoming in three ways which are not totally excluded from each other and which would lead to "psychological compensations".

Guidelines for Accepting a Physical Defect

The physical defect causes a feeling of inferiority that must be addressed. The origin of the complex is real, it is there, but it must not be allowed to manifest itself. So let's see some practical solutions to start accepting it.

  • It's important circumscribe the defect precisely. Having a horrible nose doesn't necessarily make the rest of your face unattractive.
  • The moment the defect is identified, it is also necessary appreciate positive physical qualities. You can be short, but have a nice physique; You can have bad hands, but a beautiful mouth.
  • È necessario emphasize their positive aspects and mitigate the defect. So it will be less conspicuous. It is not a question of denying its existence, but of making it less evident.
  • Undoubtedly, they will have to take advantage of all the aesthetic tricks to mitigate the physical defect. It is good to know which type of clothing, shoes, ornaments and makeup are best suited to mitigate the defect.
  • Both physical and psychological compensations can be very satisfying. The defect can be compensated for by something totally different. For example, the inability to play a sport can be compensated for by a love of music or reading.
  • It must be borne in mind that there is not only the physical. The human being is both body and spirit.
  • Never insist on unattainable perfection. You have to accept the defect and learn to live with it.
  • Some defects that can be corrected. Obesity is an example of this. With a little effort and medical help, you can do it.
  • Evidence of a defect must not be denied. We have to face it, find solutions and put them into action. It's good to even talk about it. The attitude of the ostrich leads nowhere.
  • However, if the weight of the defect becomes unsustainable and risks becoming a complex, it is better consult a specialist that can guide us in finding solutions and help us deal with it.

As you can see, accepting and overcoming a physical defect is possible. You just have to learn to appreciate other virtues and look for the right ways to correct it, if possible. However, if it becomes complex, it is better to seek the help of a psychologist so that he can provide us with all the resources to overcome it.

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