Last update: December 14, 2015
Maybe there was a ladder up to the sky to be able to see you every day. I wish I could still tell you how much I love you. I wish I could show you how much I need you, how much I care about you and how many beautiful things you give me.
If I could see you again, even for a second, I wouldn't let you go. I would hug you so tightly that it would be difficult to distinguish our two bodies. We would be two souls fused together, two desires, two fleeting eternities.
I want to think that somewhere, I don't know where or when, I'll see you again. I would like to be sure that you live in a near, happy and carefree world. I would give anything to know that you can see and hear me.
I know you won't be back, but I need to feel close to you. I prefer to think that something about you accompanies me every day and that my skin perceives it and therefore shivers.