The person who judges says more about himself than he means about the other. We talk about it in this article.
Last update: 13 March, 2022
We are people, all different and unique. This is why each has certain behaviors, a specific personality and a significant inner world that shows its nature. But really this uniqueness leads us to judge others.
However, the person who judges says more about himself than what he means about the other. In other words, if I judge someone because they are a hypocrite, perhaps we should look at what aspects of their life they are hypocritical. You may also need to learn to be more flexible and respect others as they are.
I respect who you are and I don't judge you
It is difficult to escape the simplicity with which one happens to judge others. The variety of people we can meet is as great as the damage we can do by talking about them without knowing them. The same happens even when we know them and don't listen to them.
Tastes are not the same, certainly each of us behaves differently and, most likely, the involvement of the various events is also different for each individual.
Here because a healthy relationship is based on respect and tolerance, even if strictly cordial. We share our lives with the people we appreciate, with their strengths and weaknesses, and we would like them to never change.
If someone told you that you are special, they were not wrong. Your personality depends on your particular way of seeing the world and being in it.
Judging others is tantamount to not understanding why those people are the way they are. We do not know what experiences the other person had, what made them the way they are or how much criticism without a justifiable reason can hurt them.
I like the way I am and I don't want you to judge me
Judging others is like tossing a coin in the air and seeing what comes out: the target can be another person or ourselves.
If that's us, we won't like them to talk lightly about us. To understand someone, you have to put yourself in his shoes and when you judge, you don't.
“You know my name, but not my story. You felt what I did, but you didn't go through what I went through. You know where I am, but not where I come from. You see me laughing, but you don't know what I've been through. Stop judging me. "
We therefore feel misunderstood, discouraged and sometimes our self-esteem can suffer. We like others to have a positive idea of ​​us, who take us into consideration and accept us.
It doesn't matter the flaws or different perspectives of others. There it makes you happy to be, to act and to live in a given way. Therefore, we need the people who love us to appreciate this more than anything else.
Judging others defines us
We have already said that the same damage we can do to others can be done to us, then it is equally important to know and to be known.
We recognize ourselves through our actions. In other words, if we are in the habit of judging others, we will be known for it and therefore judged in our turn. But it can also happen that this is not the case and that one feels judged without deserving it.
If this is the case, think that there is no reason why the words of others should hurt you. Don't be swayed by what someone says about you who isn't even trying to understand you. We don't all live or experience experiences the same way.
The person who judges us today is probably saying more about himself than about us, so we must be strong and let ourselves be advised, not judging in turn. And if we're bad about it, let's remember that when someone judges us, we can invite them to put themselves in our shoes.
"I know my story very well, so I'm the only one who can judge, criticize and applaud myself as often as I want."