Time helps heal wounds to move forward

Time helps heal wounds to move forward

Time helps heal wounds to move forward

Last update: February 16, 2020

If only we were able to make room for time in our life when it asks for it. If only we were brave and let it accompany us in pain, loss, good and even when we feel alone. Time is a travel companion, not an enemy, as we often think. When we feel lost, time saves us, when we leave room for time, it does its duty.

When we lose travel companions, our dreams are broken and we feel alone on the way, we are overwhelmed by haste and close the doors to our emotions. If, on the other hand, we stop, listen to each other and let time do its duty, we will be able to understand what we need. to alleviate our suffering and pain.

Time and the island of feelings

Once upon a time there was a very beautiful island where nature was indescribable. It housed all the feelings and values ​​of men: good humor, sadness, wisdom and all others, including love. One day it was announced that the island was going to sink, then all feelings prepared their boats and left. Only love remained patient on the island, alone, until the last moment.

When the island was about to collapse, love decided to ask for help. Wealth passed close to love on a very luxurious boat and love asked her: "Wealth, can you take me with you?". She replied wealth: "I can't, there's a lot of gold and silver on my boat and I don't have room for you, I'm sorry."

Love then decided to ask the pride that was passing on a magnificent vessel: "Pride please, can you take me with you?". "I can't help you, love ...", pride replied, "everything is perfect here, you could ruin my boat. I have a reputation, me".

Then love asked the sadness that passed by: "Sadness please, let me come with you". "No, love," said the sadness, "I'm so sad that I need to be alone." At that point the good humor passed next to love, but he was so happy that he did not hear her calling him.

Suddenly a voice said: "Come love, I'll take you with me." It was an old man who spoke. Love was so happy and full of joy that she forgot to ask the old man's name. When they arrived on dry land, the old man left.

Love realized the great help it had received and asked to know: "You know, can you tell me who helped me?". "It was the time", the knowledge replied. "The weather?" asked love, "Why did time help me?". 

Knowing with great wisdom replied: “Time is the only one capable of making love survive when it seems impossible because of pain. Time is the only one capable of giving love a new chance when it seems to vanish. Because only time is able to understand how important love is in life".

This story by Jorge Bucay makes us understand the importance of time. When we believe that all is lost, when we have lost direction and our path seems to no longer make sense, when we try to think that everything will pass and we ignore what we really want, it is then that time saves us, it whispers in our ear that everything will pass and that when we learn to make room for it in our life, our wounds will heal.

The solution takes time

Haste is never a good counselor, problems take time to be solved, as well as lack of love, in fact all the energy we had poured into the person we lost needs a new goal. Broken dreams also take time, as the brain has to come up with new plans and solutions, the same goes for losses, because we must learn to find a new space for our love.

Time has the task of finding a place for thoughts, emotions, people. It is it that teaches us that nothing is forever, that everything passes, both good and bad things and that from a calmer perspective everything looks better. Time helps us to mature and to see things from another point of view to learn and grow.

This is the solution: give yourself some time. But not a passive time, marked by the movement of the clock hands, but an active time, made up of action and reflection. A time where calm reigns to rework and find a positive side even in negative experiences. A time to let yourself go, but without stopping walking and that it helps when no one else can, as Jorge Bucay's story suggests.

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